Dr. Hashemiyoon has always been on the cutting edge of frontier medicine. A Nationally recognized expert, Dr. Robert, has been a pioneer in the fields of vascular diseases, anti-aging medicine, virology, and cosmetic medicine. He is a member of The American Academy of Cosmetic Surgeons, The American Society of Liposuction, The American College Of Phlebology, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, and the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine. Most doctors follow a rather standard path from medical school to the clinical office and practice "textbook medicine." However, Dr. Hashemiyoon has always maintained a broader scope in his clincial practice by nurturing the research scientist aspect of his early medical education. He was key in the development of a new anti-viral agent for treating DNA viruses. Working with over a year with scientists and doctors in Belgium Dr. Hashemiyoon triggered the commencement of new develpments for the use of the drug on treating the first human patients; the drug was FDA approved as Cidofovir (Vistide®) in 1997 for CMV retinitis. Dr. Hashemiyoon developed the initial effective startegy for the drug's use against papilloma virus at George Washington University hospital, which now has a tertiary care center. This is directly tied to the early work of Dr. Hashemiyoon and Dr. William Wilson, the Chief of Otolaryngology (ENT) department at GWU. Dr. Hashemyioon created specific protocols for the treatment of Andropause/male menopause (low T) with testosterone replacement therapy in 1993, nearly a decade before it became a standard therapy in the USA in 2003. These same protocols are still in use in over 13 Urology centers across America. He was the first doctor to use compounded finasteride for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in 1995 - 4 years before Propecia was FDA approved for hair loss in 1997. In 2004 he suggested the use of a glaucoma medication, Lumigan, for the growth and enhancement of eyelashes and scalp hair.... four years later Latisse got FDA approval for the use of growing eyelashes longer and thicker. And 5 years later he invented his prescription blend BioHair X (patent pending), which is the only hair loss product of its kind in the world using the most innovative medications that are still in clincial trials. Currently he is on the forefront on the use of Rapamycin and Senolytic Therapy for anti-aging treatment. He also is researching stem cell and CRISPR technology for both anti-aging and cosmetic purposes. He is working closely with international laboratories to address aging and diseases at a molecular level. |