Dr. Mirela Cernaianu was born and raised in Bucharest, Romania where I completed medical school and graduated in 1991. Shortly after graduating I became a clinical instructor in OB/GYN after a three-day grueling exam for one position with other 10 candidates. Even though I had a privileged teaching position it was quickly obvious to me that the Romanian medical system had a lot of shortcomings and I decided to seek a residency position in the United States of America, known for its excellence in teaching and providing doctors in training with great hands-on experience. I took my USMLE boards and I matched for residency position in the OB/GYN program at LSU New Orleans Louisiana, in 1997. After residency I practiced in Miami for two years, settling in Southern California in 2003 where I’ve been for the past 20 years. From 2001 -2013 I worked for community health centers and serving the underserved, but in 2011 my father passed away while visiting with me in So Cal – he received shocking substandard poor care. This prompted me to look into anti-aging medicine, first as a hobby to know more, and protect my mother, and then I became thirsty to know and learn more, as I fell in love with medicine again. I passed my Board Certification with A4M, and Completed my fellowship in anti-aging and regenerative medicine in 2012-2014 and decided to start my own practice. I launched HERA Health Care in 2013, Holistic Restorative Esthetic and Anti-aging Health Care. I Introduced pellet therapy in 2014 and acquired my 1st vaginal laser in 2015. The practice has now 12 laser platforms of which 5 platforms have vaginal applications. I developed a passion for non-invasive techniques and technology that restores, regenerates, and preserve our strength and wellness. I believe safe and proven technology like lasers, hormones, growth factors, PRP, stem cells or exosomes are the future of medicine. |